I'm going to preface you all for my Filthy 50 journey with how I began my day. I woke up bright and early and had breakfast before heading into work for 7:30, my team practices at 8am on Fridays. I had the usual, one egg and two egg white omelet with spinach, bacon, almond milk and a banana. When I got to work I realized I had forgotten my lunch-fail. I was pretty busy for a Friday and didn't want to eat the crap at school so I dealt with it. One of my players brought me over some chili she made at about 3pm, but I knew what was on the horizon for me so I didn't really have any of it for fear it would end up all over the ACF floor. I did this for the good of everyone at the 5pm class. You are all welcome. As I went through my day I truly got the feeling as to what IF'ing would be like. I had a coffee that kept me running all day, but I was extremely jittery. Not sure if anyone knows this about me, but any type of caffeine will keep me up and running for a solid 3 days straight. I have no idea how you insane people drink 5 cups a day. My heart would run out of my chest grow arms and punch me in the face until I was unconscious if I ever did that. IF is short for Intermittent Fasting, many people usually go 16 hours without eating and then eat a few meals in an 8 hour block (usually in the afternoon/evening). If I messed this description up at all I apologize. I am just beginning to learn about it and may give it a try for the last month of the challenge. It will be pretty easy for me to accomplish because the first week I am in Florida coaching so I will be distracted at games all day. I need to do more research first though. Stay tuned.
So on to the Filthy 50. This workout is the following:
50-20" box jumps
50-Jumping Pullups
50-35lb Kettlebell swings
50-Walking lunges
50-knees to elbows
50-45lb push presses
50-back extensions
50-14lb wall balls
50-Double Unders (jumprope goes under feet twice at each jump)
So here it goes-shout out to Michele Sano for being my warm-up partner. We had to hold each others legs and jump in place at one point. Jay was laughing, I wasn't. After the warm-up we got settled in at our box and I decided to go first....3.....2....1....go!
I flew through the box jumps hitting them almost unbroken. Great start, then to the jumping pull-ups. Your legs are already like, eff you stop jumping. I'm just trying to get my double chin over that bar as fast and consistent as I can. I broke them up in sets of 6-10 depending on how I felt. Done, onto KB swings. I think I was one of the first to the swings so I was pumped. I broke them up into 25 and 25 or 25, 15, 10. I can't really remember this part because this is where I kind of began to walk around like I was wasted. After those were done I hit the lunges, easy peasy, I love lunges. And then knees to elbows happened. My hands were sweaty as all hell, kind of like a hand hold on your first date at the movies. Just awfully inappropriate. The chalk bucket was on the other side of the gym so I tried my best to use chalk I saw on the floor, so basically hand me down chalk from the past classes. It worked wonders.....not really. Those were broken up in sets of 5-6 and then sets of 3 because my grip was slipping. Finally finished. Off to the presses. I scaled up to 45 lbs for the extra challenge. I broke them up 25, 15, 10. They went pretty fast. Next were back extensions also broken up 25, 15, 10.....holy hammy burn. At this point I was trying to chase Booty who passed me at K2E and not let Shye catch up. By chase, I mean turtle crawl. I drunkenly waddled into what then turned into approximately 12 minutes of pure hell. Wall balls, 5 sets of 10. Heavy breathing was happening and I was severely light headed. At this point I was kicking myself for not eating all day. I was officially hallucinating. After that bitch slap was over you got another by our good friend the Burpee. I don't know if I would really call them much of Burpees, as it was more like a dead fish flop to ground, pop up, wuss jump and clap. These took me what seemed like most of my adult life. Thank you Theresa for coming over and motivating me through my last 13, I needed that. FINALLY THE END....double unders. Thanks to Kia I had a rope to use and was determined not to scale this workout. I finished the Filthy 50 successfully hitting all the double unders, which was a first time for me in a WOD. My longest string was 15 in a row and I have no idea where my energy came from to finish them, but I was so glad to be done. Hell yes, my first Filthy 50, completed in 28:05. I will see you again and hopefully destrominate my time since now I know what I'm getting myself into.
I walked around post WOD in a complete haze. I cheered on Michele and others as they finished and pounded a butt load of water. I just kept walking around for a bit like I was 18 years old at 2am in the bars of downtown Albany, not really knowing what just happened. I was by far the most WOD drunk I had ever been. Sweating like a prostitute in church and barely able to concentrate on foam rolling. Unsure if operating my vehicle right away was a good choice, I stopped in the office to hang with Kevin and Sean. They commented on how badly I was sweating still. Obviously, I was looking good. During my time visiting I managed to completely zone out for a few seconds just staring at a spot on the table. I came to when I realized Sean was making fun of me. I think I sat through what seemed like the worlds longest conversation about t-shirts and shortly after this Jay humped my arm which woke me up and decided I should probably get going. Thanks Jay, Love you :)
So needless to say the Filthy 50 is a test of your strength, stamina, agility, endurance and beats every piece of your body. But most importantly it's about challenging you up mentally and seeing just how far and how fast you can push yourself without ever giving up. 9 months ago, when I first started, I would have given up and definitely would have scaled reps to 30 or 40. Today, for my first time ever doing it, I did all 50 reps of each movement. Truly a testament to what I have been trying to accomplish every time I come to ACF. I can't wait to keep on working towards my goals. To BE BETTER THAN YESTERDAY. I love this box, I love this sport!
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