WE DID IT! Ooops....nope....wait.....too soon. Well it's been a week and I survived. Thinking about making myself a t-shirt (cough, cough, wink, Cean Olsen). I must admit that the first few days I was starving, added a few extra snacks and veggies at dinner in there and I got it covered. I think the recovery from the binge express I had on New Years Eve lasted much longer than necessary. Melissa Warner told me I was having a Gluten hangover, I mean I definitely had a regular one on New Years day, but I agree with her on the gluten one mid week. I'm pretty sure I could have slept through the first week of this challenge no problem. But thankfully, I didn't, because a lot of great stuff happened!
First off, I made some good starter food for myself this week. Turkey/Beef chili with peppers and mushrooms, turkey meatballs (just using an egg white and seasoning), and brussel sprouts with bacon. I also made some trail mix for the movies consisting of dried cranberries, raisins, almonds, sunflower seeds, banana chips, coconut chips, and Enjoy Life Mini Chocolate Chips. How am I doing Mom? Speaking of Linda Meacham, I'd like to thank that lovely little lady for helping me through the process and calling me after it was over to, 1) make sure I was alive and 2) see how it all came out. She is quite the kitchen guru, getting most of her favorite recipes from the ex-con we know and love, Martha Stewart. Ever since that jailbird entered her life her cooking went from good to amazing. I no longer have to soak Linda's meatloaf in ketchup due to the recipes of Inmate 55170-054. Just kidding Mom, I love you and I hope I can become the amazing woman and mother that you are someday. You will most likely receive phone calls from me next week when I decide to break in my new crock pot.
Secondly, I had some great workouts this week with some pretty radical people. Yes, I used the word radical. You see I have tendency to use the F-word far to often as a descriptive tool so I am digging deep into the vault for some better vocabulary these days. Anyway, back to the workouts. This week I did a total of 680 air squats, 300 push ups, 190 ring rows, and 120 wall balls. So I did some work on my horseshoe and butt this week for sure ;) Mid-week I got to hit "Jeremy" with Erika Wilson. She was AWOL for 2 weeks on the holiday vacation of a lifetime, so it was nice to reconnect and hit a WOD (WOD=workout of the day) with her. After that we hit a 1RM dead lift in which I PR'd at 275 and "the worlds strongest nugget," as I have so dubbed her, hit 305!!! She's ridiculously awesome! Saturday, I ventured to Lake George Crossfit and hit a WOD with Caitlin Hickin. I don't get to see her as often as I used to in good ol' 7pm classes so it was great to get a chance to workout together again. The WOD was tabata(this means 8 rounds with 20 seconds of work and 10 seconds of rest) box jumps(24") and kettle bell swings (44lb) with a 2 min. rest then 4 rounds of 400m run and 50 air squats. This is not my best of WODs because running after doing any type of leg work is just insane and I usually feel like I can't breathe and have 300lbs strapped to my ankles. After the WOD, Dirk, owner and main squeeze of Caitlin asked if I wanted to do a 1RM Split Jerk. Taking the opportunity to get some one on one coaching I did and couldn't have been more thankful. I PR'd by 20lbs at 175, which is actually my body weight, so I was super pumped. I hit 165 which was already a PR and then kept going up. Failed on 170, but Dirk said for me to jump to 175 because if it was competition I would do just that. Two fails later and I was determined to hit the lift. I just heard Dirk getting me psyched up saying "quick hands" and "get under that bar"....big breath 1, 2, 3 BOOM! Hit it and was super excited about it.
Within the realm of crossfit, we are encouraged to try new sports. Today, I did just that and went to a Bikram Yoga class at Hot Yoga Saratoga. What? Yoga's not a sport is it? Ummmm....check yourself people because Bikram was like a full body workout on crack in the hot lands of the South. It should be on ESPN instead of poker. So, anyway, as a first timer I was super intimidated as I walked into a jam packed class of experience yogis. I was greeted immediately by the heat that slapped me in the face as soon as I opened the door. I searched for a spot in the room and found myself smack dab next to the mirror. Hey pretty lady, you get to stare at yourself for the next hour and half! If anyone has taken a yoga class with me you will know that my mat is bright pink and has a massive Playtex Sport Tampon logo on one side of it. So naturally I prayed as I unrolled my mat that this was not showing, but of course, it was. I quickly flipped my mat over and sat down on my big striped beach towel next to my gallon of water. I was the sore thumb for sure. Soon the instructor Cindy came in and asked me if I had done yoga before and told me that if I needed to stop, I should lay down, but not to leave the room so I can learn to get acclimated to the temperature. The woman next to me turned and said the following "welcome to hell." I wanted to high five her for that comment but I don't think that's proper yoga etiquette. The class began with a breathing exercise in which I must admit I wanted to laugh so badly, but instead participated and watched what everyone else was doing because I obviously did not. Then we went into poses. After the warm up I was ready to lay down and call it a day, but I charged along consistently wiping the sweat off my body and re hydrating every time I could. By the time class was over I felt like I was flying. Yoga high, just in a cloud of "what the hell just happened to me?" This continued for a while, which unfortunately led me to leave the ATM without my debit card. Epic fail...way to go slugger :( But anyway, Bikram rocked and I plan to do it consistently throughout the 90 days to improve my strength and balance as well as increase my flexibility.
Finally, I would like to close this blog by saying that I successfully have not had any alcohol since New Years and I plan to keep it that way. If I do, it will be a simple glass of red wine. This may cause me to be a bit of a hermit, but I think my wallet will appreciate it. My body feels great and I lost 2 lbs this week. I love seeing the changes that my body has gone through since crossfit has entered my life and I am slowly beginning to accept my body for what it is. Strong! I'm never going to be super model skinny, frankly I think I would look weird that way. Having muscles doesn't make me any less feminine than the next person and I love crossfit for embracing that concept.
Week 2 Goals: Keep working on Oly lifts before or after the WODs, use my crock pot, volume train pull ups, save a polar bear, gain more knowledge on nutrition, take chances, Hit FRAN with Shannon, and maybe write a mid-week blog since so much stuff happens throughout this process!
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