Tuesday, February 7, 2012

A Note to Competitors......and my breakdown-two part blog

Dear first time competitors,
I am writing this to you to say that myself and everyone else competing this weekend were you at one point.  I am going to tell you a little bit about my experience in my first cross-fit competition to hopefully take some nerves away.  
This past summer I was standing in class minding my own business and scratching my shoulder.  As I was said scratching Kevin was asking the class who was going to be signing up for the throwdown.  Apparently my scratch looked like a hand raise, and suddenly I was signed up to compete.  This turned into a one month long crazy spell where I was scared shitless on a day to day basis.  I was still pretty new to the process and had not completely drank the cool-aid yet.  However, I wasn't one to quit and was interested in seeing what a competition entailed.  Let me tell you all, it was one of the best days I had all year.  
I entered the day with very low expectations for myself.  I looked at those I was competing against and recognized them from classes and immediately doubted how well I would do in the day.  I also didn't know a soul at the time, so I was pretty much alone the whole day until I convinced one of my friends to stop by and hang out with me.  The person I was then is completely different from who I am now, and I have the competition to thank for that.  It was a great day with amazing competitors and I ended up meeting some great people that I consider good friends of mine at this gym.  I was completely inspired and so freaking amazed with what I had accomplished in the day that cloud 9 didn't even describe it. 
In closing, competitors, get ready for one of the best days you will ever have, pushing yourself to limits you never even thought of.  WODs in the heat of battle are way different than WODs in class.  Have fun, be a crazed beast, and kill it!

Now here is the part where I need to take some of my own advice.  Over the past week and a half I have entered every single WOD with the worst mindsets I have ever had.  Last week I allowed a lot of my outside frustrations with work/life/etc get to me and I haven't been able to shake it.  On top of that I was experiencing my wrist pain again that I had about a month ago.  I was unable to complete my Wendlers presses due to the pain, along with any overhead heavy WODs.  I decided not to do anything overhead for the rest of the week since I knew I needed to heal for the competition.  
Well folks, today I hit my breaking point.  Almost cried after squat cleans today, no lie.  I have not felt like myself in a WOD for over a week and today was my limit.  Mentally, I need to get myself back on track.  I cannot allow outside distractions to ruin my mood for the WODs.  I need to remember what I am trying to accomplish and that when I go to ACF I have fun.  That is why I enjoy showing up to classes each and every day.  When I stop having fun, is when I realize I am not being myself. 

So here is the deal, if anyone sees me not having FUN on Saturday-slap me, hard.  I won't be mad, you can even follow it up with "you know why!"As of tonight I am officially going to remove my head from my ass and get back on track and ready to have fun challenging myself.  This will be my first time going RX in a competition alone.  I competed RX in the Fall Face Off, but this time it's different.  But I know I am not completely alone because of all the amazing supporters and friends I now have from my experiences here at crossfit.  Something I didn't have at my very first competition.



  1. Can't wait to slap you on Saturday!!


  2. Can't wait to see you Sessa!! Are you coming to register Friday or Saturday?
